Credit 101 for real estate

Realtor Education

An overview of the Mortgage FICO Credit scoring model and the different algorithms used in the mortgage industry to compute a credit score. This course will provide the real estate agent with important information about how credit works and how credit scores are computed for mortgage credit scores. The agent will come away with knowledge of the different algorithms used to compute a credit score in the mortgage industry. Also why they differ in other industries and the Internet. In addition the agent will learn how negative items can impact a credit score and how credit can be built to help benefit a credit score.

This is an opportunity for Realtors to obtain a good understanding of credit and how it impacts the home buying process. This information can be important in helping the home buyer purchase a home whether they have credit score issues or not.

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Credit 101 for Real Estate-2 Hrs CE Credit- TREC Course Number: 42169

Provider: Busch Consulting Services, Inc – license: 10201

Education Team

Chris Busch


Elevate My Scores

Susan Isenhour

Susan Isenhour

Regional Director

Elevate My Scores

Credit Experts

Chris Busch has been in the Credit Repair industry for over a decade. He is the President and founder of Elevate My Scores a Texas based Credit Repair company. Over the years Chris has helped thousands of consumers realize their dreams of home ownership by expertly advising them on how to improve their credit files.

Susan Isenhour is a credit and financial expert with a background in education. She holds a Texas license in insurance as well as a Texas teachers license. Susan has been in the Credit Repair industry for over four years and has a passion for helping people with their financial and credit goals. She is the Regional Director for Elevate My Scores.

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Credit 101 for Real Estate

Credit 101 for Real Estate

Credit 101 for Real Estate

Credit 101 for Real Estate

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